The butterflies of Sierra Nevada

The butterflies of Sierra Nevada The Sierra Nevada is the most striking mountain range in Southern Iberia and includes the largest peaks in the Iberian Peninsula, with several summits reaching over 3300 m (10800 ft) above sea level.  It expands along 90 km parallel […]

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egrets and waterfowl in spain

Birding La Mancha, Spain

Birds and Scenery in La Mancha, Spain Although strictly not belonging to Andalucia, we have enjoyed great birding moments birding the neighbouring and welcoming land of Castilla La Mancha. Birding La Mancha in central-southern Spain is, for most of the birders, like birding in […]

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roller carraca roller birding seville

Birding Seville and Osuna Steppes, Andalucia, Spain

Birding Seville and Osuna Steppes, Andalucia, Spain The endangered population of Roller and Great Bustard in Andalucía finds shelter across the rolling hills near the city of Osuna. Most particularly, the Zepa Campiñas de Sevilla. Not just am I.B.A. but also a Natura 200o protected […]

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Birding in Jaén: the Sierra Mágina

Birding in Jaén: the Sierra Mágina We all know Birding in Jaén means raptors, and most of us would directly link the province of Jaén with the Lammergeir and the Iberian Lynx. That’s a fact, the province of Jaén is the only one in […]

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Black Wheatear while birding in the Cabo de Gata in Andalusia

Birding the Cabo de Gata, Almeria

March is a great month for birding Cabo de Gata, in the eastern corner of Andalucia. We went for a weekend birdwatching tour that tourned out to surpass our birding expectations! We started in Malaga, then drove along the Mediterranean highway A7 and got […]

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Great Bustards in Andalucia

There’s nothing like starting a new year watching species that you don’t really find easily in the UK. That’s what our English friends were thinking when they called me to organize our “shiny steppes” birding tour. They were very excited having a go on […]

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