Nature based tourism is our best way to help Nature.
Álvaro Peral - Founder of Wild Andalucía
Our tours provide income to local business, such as guides, drivers, family-run hotels and Spain's famous "ventas" (restaurants). This is how your tours with us help our local community to care about Nature.
We are a small sized company and contribute with small actions to help our local wildlife. We have a compromise to plant as many endemic trees as tours we run, isn't that something? It has been claimed that "Spain was once so thickly-forested that a squirrel could cross the peninsula from Gibraltar to the Pyrenees hopping from tree to tree without ever touching the ground".
Still Wild, Andalucía needs more trees and you are helping rebuild this dream!

HELP US REFOREST ANDALUCIA. By booking one of our trips you will give Andalucía one more indigenous tree.
Supporting local families
We have agreements with land owners to run bird watching trips in private land near Ronda. With this simple action we promote local awareness and bird conservation. We started with these economical agreements in 2020 and they are proven to have been quite good for the owners, the wildlife and, of course, for happy clients that appreciate the stillness of walking on private land.
We are members of the Spanish Ornithological Society -SEO Birdlife- and also the officers of its local group in Ronda since 2018. This has helped us organize and guide a few bird walks to enjoy the birds of Andalucía. We do this as volunteers and strongly believe this can have a strong impact on kids' education.

We are proud to be ambassadors for Opticron, a british family-owned company that sponsored Wild Andalucía in 2018. We have been using Opticron optics for years and are quite happy with the results. On our bird tours you will have access to our Opticron's high quality MM3 60 Travelscope. We can also provide you with 8x32 T4 Trailfinder binoculars if you ask us in advance.

eBird is a renown resource for birdwatchers and ornithologists developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. We contribute with eBird by submitting relevant bird sightings and lists. We have helped to incorporate some birding hotspots, from which a few of them have been included at the eBird hotspot map database of Spain. You can click on the picture below to check out our eBird profile and even browse some of our bird pictures.