roller carraca roller birding seville

Birding Seville and Osuna Steppes, Andalucia, Spain

Birding Seville and Osuna Steppes, Andalucia, Spain The endangered population of Roller and Great Bustard in Andalucía finds shelter across the rolling hills near the city of Osuna. Most particularly, the Zepa Campiñas de Sevilla. Not just am I.B.A. but also a Natura 200o protected […]

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Birding the Torcal de Antequera, Andalucía, Spain

Birding the Torcal de Antequera, Andalucia, Spain. Birding the Torcal de Antequera, at just 45 min from Malaga airport, is always a rewarding experience and the best scenery to combine rocky birds, plants and general wildlife for those based in the Costa del Sol. […]

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Birding in Jaén: the Sierra Mágina

Birding in Jaén: the Sierra Mágina We all know Birding in Jaén means raptors, and most of us would directly link the province of Jaén with the Lammergeir and the Iberian Lynx. That’s a fact, the province of Jaén is the only one in […]

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Morocco birding . White-crowned Wheatear

Morocco Birding: Atlas and Desert

Birding central and south Morocco: Atlas and Desert Morocco Birding: Atlas and Desert. Our 8-day birdwatching tour through the South of Morocco was one of the most exciting tours in the last years. Not just for the numerous endemic birds we saw, but also […]

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Black Wheatear while birding in the Cabo de Gata in Andalusia

Birding the Cabo de Gata, Almeria

March is a great month for birding Cabo de Gata, in the eastern corner of Andalucia. We went for a weekend birdwatching tour that tourned out to surpass our birding expectations! We started in Malaga, then drove along the Mediterranean highway A7 and got […]

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Northern Bald Ibis in Spain

Birding the Strait of Gibraltar

Birding the Strait of Gibraltar: Bald Ibis and much more Birding the Strait of Gibraltar is a rewarding experience most days of the year. Although both migratory periods are known to provide the most surprising amounts of birds, all winter and late summer also […]

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Egyptian Vulture Extremadura

Extremadura birding tour 2017

Our Extremadura birding tour was definately the best way to say hello to the spring and its Iberian birdlife. A 3 day tour covered wetlands, plains and, of course, the mountains and dehesas in Monfragüe National Park. The most remarkable species that we found […]

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Birding Donana East

Birding Doñana East The surroundings of Donana Natural Park always make a perfect birding trip. Although big enough to provide a full or even multi day birding trip from Seville, we went for a short winter’s afternoon trip that provided around 40 species of […]

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Birding Fuente de Piedra in winter

Winter birding at Fuente de Piedra lagoon The laguna fuente de piedra always provides a great winter birding day. Not just for the reknown presence of Greater Flamingo, but for the magnificent scenario where sky and water merges into one. Anna and Robert were […]

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Birding the Odiel Marshes

Birding the Odiel Marshes in Huelva means birding one   of the last real marshes in Andalucia. We took our British guests Peter and MJ in Faro and decided to make our first birding stop at the Laguna de El Portil, where we found some […]

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Great Bustards in Andalucia

There’s nothing like starting a new year watching species that you don’t really find easily in the UK. That’s what our English friends were thinking when they called me to organize our “shiny steppes” birding tour. They were very excited having a go on […]

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Birding in Doñana in winter

Birding in Doñana is always a great experience. Can you imagine starting the new year with an unforgettable birding experience? So did we!We gave a chance to the Sevillian side of Doñana, which is always calm and full of surprises. We started our tour […]

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